In education there is a concept known as backwards design or backwards mapping. Backwards planning or mapping consists of beginning with an objective you want to achieve and mapping out a plan that will get you there. I had no formal education training at the time I conceived my first child 22 years ago, but intuitively I used this concept. I considered being a parent as a privilege. At the time I didn't plan to have a child, the moment my pregnancy was confirmed, I realized life as I knew it was going to change. This was an extremely transforming event and consequently, I was compelled to plan what I really wanted for my child and although I had very little at the time, I believed it was possible. Within my soul I knew it was possible.
From the beginning, I wanted the best for my child. As the product of a culture that valued education, I believed it was the answer to my predicament and therefore, the key to my child's future. Alone and young at the time, I felt I needed a miracle. Believe it or not, my miracle came in the form of words spoken by an associate.
From the beginning, I wanted the best for my child. As the product of a culture that valued education, I believed it was the answer to my predicament and therefore, the key to my child's future. Alone and young at the time, I felt I needed a miracle. Believe it or not, my miracle came in the form of words spoken by an associate.
It is possible to boost your child's intelligence by use of your environment and exposure to academic knowledge.
This one statement was the beginning for me and caused me to think of unlimited possibilities for my unborn child. I tasked myself with reading as much as I could, and at the time the internet was not as accessible as it is now, so I was limited to books in my local bookstore and library. I didn't find much, but the little I found, I read and began applying as best I could interpret. I started to develop processes and strategies that worked most effectively for me.
I dared dream for my child what was incomprehensible and unreachable for most. Once she was born, my introversion worked well for me because it allowed me to shut out all doubting Dons and Debbies. I with my 24 year old self, without need for validation or confirmation from anyone set out to accomplish the impossible.
What are your hopes and dreams for your unborn, infant or toddler? How are they different from your peers or previous generations of your family?
I dared dream for my child what was incomprehensible and unreachable for most. Once she was born, my introversion worked well for me because it allowed me to shut out all doubting Dons and Debbies. I with my 24 year old self, without need for validation or confirmation from anyone set out to accomplish the impossible.
What are your hopes and dreams for your unborn, infant or toddler? How are they different from your peers or previous generations of your family?