The Journey Begins
Welcome to Witty Little Minds, an early learning resource created to give families support from birth to elementary age. Children are very underestimated. From birth, they are capable of much more than we commonly realize. To produce globally competitive citizens, humanity must broaden its perspective and seize the opportunity to explore the wonderful world of learning that exists from the time of birth throughout the formative years of children's lives. Contact Witty Little Minds for support. Together we can access and develop your child's fullest potential.
We offer four Early Reading Learning Cohorts per year, created and lead by LaTonia Gray, an educator with over 20 years experience (more details on the About page). Her vision is to provide the knowledge and guidance parents need to teach small children to read in an intimate online setting. It is important to know that the knowledge gained from this cohort is for non-proprietary purposes and to be used by parents to teach their children and not meant to take the place of university course work leading to a degree. It is delivered via video, webinar, conference calls and private coaching calls. Modules are followed by practice, application with your child, and participation. Space in the cohort is limited, so we can devote personal attention to each highly interested candidate accepted.
Our Positive Parenting support, which leads to impulse control, self regulation, higher achievement and cognitive ability, is available for parents who wish to be supported towards their efforts of parenting non-punitively through connection rather than violence.
We offer four Early Reading Learning Cohorts per year, created and lead by LaTonia Gray, an educator with over 20 years experience (more details on the About page). Her vision is to provide the knowledge and guidance parents need to teach small children to read in an intimate online setting. It is important to know that the knowledge gained from this cohort is for non-proprietary purposes and to be used by parents to teach their children and not meant to take the place of university course work leading to a degree. It is delivered via video, webinar, conference calls and private coaching calls. Modules are followed by practice, application with your child, and participation. Space in the cohort is limited, so we can devote personal attention to each highly interested candidate accepted.
Our Positive Parenting support, which leads to impulse control, self regulation, higher achievement and cognitive ability, is available for parents who wish to be supported towards their efforts of parenting non-punitively through connection rather than violence.